
conveyance of title中文什么意思

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  • [网络] 所有权转让
  • conveyance:    n. 1.运输;输送。 2.运输用具(车船等),输送带,搬运器。 3.【法律】(不动产的)让与;让与证据,卖据。 conveyance by land [water] 陆路[水路]运输。 means of conveyance交通[运输]工具。 a push-plate conveyance无限连锁式传送工具(运煤用)。
  • a title for:    大乘法师
  • no title:    无标题; 与无头衔
  • not title:    无标题
  • of title:    业权;所有权,业权文件; 业权文件;所有权文件
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  1. clause 9 where as set forth in paragraph 2 of article 44 of the contract law, the relevant law or administration regulation provides that the effectiveness of a certain contract is subject to completion of the relevant approval procedure, or the relevant approval and registration procedures, if before completion of court debate by the parties in the trial of first instance, the parties still fail to carry out the relevant approval procedure, or approval and registration procedures, as the case may be, the people's court shall rule that the contract has not yet taken effect; if the relevant law or administration regulation requires that a certain contract be registered without subjecting its effectiveness to such registration, then failure to effect registration shall not impair the effectiveness of the contract, provided that such failure constitutes an impediment to the conveyance of title to, or such other real right in, the subject matter of the contract


        conveyance:    n. 1.运输;输送。 2.运输用具(车船等),输送带,搬运器。 3.【法律】(不动产的)让与;让与证据,卖据。 conveyance by land [water] 陆路[水路]运输。 means of conveyance交通[运输]工具。 a push-plate conveyance无限连锁式传送工具(运煤用)。
        a title for:    大乘法师
        no title:    无标题; 与无头衔
        not title:    无标题
        of title:    业权;所有权,业权文件; 业权文件;所有权文件
        title:    n. 1.(书籍、诗歌、乐曲等的)标题,题目,题;篇名,书名。 2.(书的)标题页,扉页。 3.【电影】字幕。 4.称号;尊称,头衔,爵位,学位。 5.权利,资格。 6.【法律】土地财产所有权;地契。 7.【运】冠军,锦标。 8.(用 carat 表示的)金子的纯度[成色]。 9.【宗教】圣职就任资格;(天主教的)教区及该教区内的教堂。 a man of title 有头衔的人, 贵族。 John said he would give a good title to his new book. 约翰说他要给他的新书起个好书名。 His services give him a title to our gratitude. 他工作勤恳,有资格受到我们的感谢。 He has many titles to distinction. 他有好多资格使他知名。 quiet title 【法律】判决产权属谁。 regal title 王的称号。 Has Jones any title to the land 琼斯有这块土地的产权吗? vt. 1.加标题于;【电影】附加字幕。 2.授头衔[爵位等]。 3.用头衔[尊称]称呼。 adj. -d 有爵位的,有贵族头衔的。
        title of:    大通和尚
        a public conveyance:    公共运输设备
        absolute conveyance:    无条件让度; 无条件让渡
        artistic conveyance:    艺术传达
        belt conveyance:    带式输送
        conveyance agreement:    转证协议
        conveyance buffer:    传送缓冲
        conveyance by air:    空运
        conveyance by land:    陆路运输
        conveyance by water:    水路运输
        conveyance canal:    输水渠
        conveyance case:    运输工具角色
        conveyance channel:    输水渠
        conveyance compartment:    容器格间; 容器隔间; 提升隔间
        conveyance conduit:    引水管道
        conveyance culvert:    输水涵洞
        conveyance device:    输送设备
        conveyance equipment:    运输设备
        conveyance factor:    输水因数(输水率)


        conveyance of title meaning: Noun: conveyance of title Act of transferring property title from one person to another - conveyance , conveyancing , conveying Type of: transfer , transference
        conveyance of title en francais:titre de transfert, acte de cession (transfert du droit légal sur des terrains)


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